Wednesday, April 21, 2010

LEGALLY SPEAKING: Notorious B.I.G. Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against the City of L.A. Dismissed - Surprised? Hell to the NO!

So, the verdict is in (April 5th) and the long-running case alleging wrongful death in the 1997 fatal shooting of 24 year old Notorious B.I.G., against the city of Los Angeles, has been dismissed. This news is no shock, however, as this case has been a head-scratcher since its inception-- mainly due to it being rife with police corruption and scandal.

Brought by BIG's family (Mom Volleta and Ex-Wife Faith Evans) aka "his estate", the lawsuit includes allegations that the LAPD were involved in BIG's killing. Several of the LAPD officers named in the suit were key players in LAPD's Rampart Division scandal, which exposed severe corruption within the police department. The suit also accused Death Row Records owner (at the time), Marion "Suge" Knight, of ordering the killing.

No doubt this case has been a thorn in the city's side, and they (the city of L.A.) along with the LAPD, and even the L.A. Times have been entangled in this massive web of lies and deceit from the start. The judge's dismissal is the cherry on top for these shady entites, but it is also a slap in the face to his memory, his family, friends, fans, and the world if you ask us. You know, this really burns us up! Did we mention BIG was only 24 years old at the time of his death? Someone (still alive) needs to take responsibility! But hey, who are we??? *throws pencil across the room, takes deep breath, pouts* Ok, carry on.
Story via (click post's title for full story)

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