Tuesday, April 20, 2010

HAILING A TRAILBLAZER: Rap Legend GURU of Gang Starr Fame Peaces Out Eternally & We Celebrate His MASS APPEAL (VIDEO)

If you know rap, you know Gang Starr and unfortunately member G.U.R.U. ("Gifted Universal Rhymes Unlimited"), hailed as one of Hip Hop's greatest wordsmith's ever, lost his battle with cancer on Monday, April 19th at the age of 43. We celebrate Keith "GURU" Elam for being a TRUE TrailBLAZEr in Rap/HipHop and the World. He was a the real deal and we celebrate him with one of our most fave Gang Starr joints, MASS APPEAL. Learn somethin' from this Legend & Enjoy!

R.I.P. G.U.R.U.!

vid clip via mtv.com

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