Monday, August 9, 2010


So, while the GOP was busy reporting that the Presidential couple were on the outs during President Obama's birthday week, and accusing him of living like a bachelor, Obama was busy getting his game on for the entertainment of wounded troups, and signing historical bills in to law (see previous story).

Yup, President Obama got LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Carmelo Anthony and other NBA all-stars together, along with legendary retired ballers the likes of Bill Russell and Magic Johnson for a nice little 2 hour game, which entertained wounded troops and participants in the White House mentoring program. Oh-- and College player Maya Moore of the Connecticut Huskies women's team also played. 'Cause you know Obama is an equal opportunist!

Afterward, some of the players joined Obama and friends for a barbeque at the White House-- events which capped off his birthday week. Reporters were shut out of the gym while the President balled, and when questioned why they were told Barack just wanted to play. We heard that! Gotta love him. [Huff Po]


  1. He's a Baller Shot Caller ya'll ~pun intended~

  2. OMG - what a dream birthday for him.... playing the game his loves the most - with the best current and past while doing something fun for the troops- And of course - he gets knocked for doing what every guy and some gals would want to do- oh boo hoo no press- If the press were there - then Fox faux news would say he was doing it for a camera opportunity only and using the troops-
    Could they just let the guy have his day with out all the hating??????
    Go President Obama- relax have a little fun- and then go kick some republican ass!

  3. You are both on the money! He's the Man!
