Saturday, March 14, 2009

Athletes-- Who's been Naughty?

MSN had an interesting feature on it's website: The 10 Athletes you DO NOT want to be. The list is below. What do you think? Do what you love and are good at for a living and make millions of dollars at it? Even with the publicly scrutiny and other privacy trials and tribulations? Or keep your boring day job with it's mediocre pay, while reading about these hard luck bastards on your favorite blog? Hmm. I'd take the public scrutiny! "Kiss my ass bitches!"

Top 10 Athletes who should be ashamed of themselves:
1. Michael Vick
2. Alex Rodriguez
3. Barry Bonds/Roger Clemons
4. John Daly
5. Danica Patrick
6. This Year's NFL Pick
7. Adam "Pacman" Jones
8. Marion Jones
9. Sean Avery
10. Tracy McGrady

Story in the trunk:>1=39002#sport=News&photo=9237182

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