Saturday, March 14, 2009

VIDEO: Conditions of Slavery responsible for Cheating and Dead Beat-Dad-Behavior in Black Men? Well, what do you know...

TV Host, Alexyss K. Tylor shares her view of how the breeding behavior forced on African American men by those dirty rotten slave masters were, and still, are responsible for why some black men can be so disconnected from family responsibility. Again, we are talking some black men, not all. And, this behavior unfortunately runs rampid with men of all races and creeds. But this, I feel, is a valid theory. One which I have actually intellectualized in my own mind prior to seeing this video. In my opinion, there is something to this. What do you think? Well, even still, it's time to get it together people. We have to take responsibility for our lives today and be accountable. Amen! Hallelujia!

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  1. This needs to be said. Non-Blacks are often saying how they are tired of hearing about slavery, YET subjects like this, which have much relevance today are, in large part, not spoken about by them and swallowed by us to keep from hurting massa's ego. What?
