Wednesday, March 18, 2009

In President Obama News...America is Playing Patty-Cake Again with the Rest of the Globe -- Concerning Gay Rights, At Least

Well, what do you know? The Obama Administration is doing more than trying to straighten out our mess-of-an-economy. It has just been announced that the Obama Administration will endorse a French sponsored U.N. declaration, which calls for the worldwide decriminalization of homosexuality, per Not surprisingly, former President Bush had previously refused to sign the declaration-- making the Bush administration (and us, the American people by default) the only western government which refused to sign on.

Wow! That old cowboy was really a son-of-a-bitch while in office, right? I mean, we knew this but dayum! Gay people in America have been getting it raw for the longest but it looks like things are looking up, at least legislatively. Now if only they can manage turning over the prop 8 decision. That will prove to be a milestone. It is a fact that gay rights fall under the umbrella of human rights and everyone deserves equality. And, as a human being (straight albeit) all I can say is to this is, Yes We Can!

Article in the trunk:

1 comment:

  1. I was very happy to hear this news when watching MSNBC today. You are right, gays have been given a raw deal... and they have made numerous significant contributions to the world. Great authors, political activists, humanitarians, musicians, designers, artists, etc. It's time we accept people for who they are as long as it is not harming others.
