Wednesday, March 18, 2009

U.S. Migration Falls Back-- Weak Economy to Blame

Per an article posted today on, migration in the U.S. has experienced a major decline. Author, Conor Dougherty, outlines how the effects of a weak housing market and job market insecurity has kept Americans in their place: "Fewer people are leaving the urban cores to go to the suburbs." In other words, folks are stayin' in the hood. Yup. Thanks to 8 years of government bullshit and a lot of Wallstreet and banking industry greed (to name a few of the main culprits) Americans are being forced to fall back on their American Dream. The good new is, we are Americans: Free Thought, Free Speech, Free Enterprise. Opportunities are abundant. Everything is cyclic and we will bounce back! Be ready, so you don't have to get ready!

Article in the trunk:

1 comment:

  1. With creditors not lending to people who could otherwise afforded housing, and with the job market in the toilet... its no wonder that migration to the states / burbs is diminishing. Our economy is in the crapper.
