Thursday, April 2, 2009

DOWNFALL: KING Magazine -- Another One Bites the Dust!

After 6 years and 50 issues, the ink dries on King mag. "Bon au revoir, King" *sniffle* Nottt!

Article in the trunk: (or click post title)


  1. I say again, that I hate to see people unemployed and surely this closure has left many out of work.

    In this time, not only speaking about the economy, but at this stage in World History, surely it is time for a resurgence of old values, reprioritizing, etc. Surely our time can be better spent serving self and community than reading such a ridiculous piece of filth.

    But..hey, ya gotta eat right? I do not hold that against anyone..ya know, doing what you must to make it. I wonder what their demographic was.

    I think magazines should be run by schools. With the dwindling numbers of enrollment and qualified teaching staff due to cutbacks, if the nation could rally behind THEM instead of smut mags, we raise a stronger, more intelligent generation.

    So long.

  2. And I just kneewww you would comment about how much better Christina Millian looks as a brunette! Lol
