Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mike Jones + Subway Diet = A Good Look

Per Rapper, Mike Jones, credits a Subway sandwich diet, treadmill workouts and watching what he eats for his 110 lbs weight loss. He claims to have lost 1/3 of his weight -- he's gone from close to 300 to now 190 lbs.

We have one word: WOW! Now if only we can give him a nice make-over! Jus' sayin'!


  1. Whatever it takes. AGAIN I will bring up "This stage in World History." It is time to do what we must to be physically fit. The positive impacts are endless.

    We need to be ready and able to handle situations as the come and we cannot do so in poor health. if it Can be helped then stop talking about it and do.

    Kudos to MJ for being proactive despite his obvious years of being a living embodiment of most of the Seven Deadly Sins. i ween myself off of smoking lol
    Pray for me

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