Thursday, April 2, 2009

LisaRaye Keeps It Real Live on the Air


1 comment:

  1. Uh...Okaaaaaay...

    When I saw the video was TEN minutes, I doubted I would finish it, BUT I ALMOST did. Lisa Raye said some pretty real and interesting things. I have been a hater on her for years because I want her to step up her game. She has been given so many opportunities, but I do not see her rising to the challenge. But at the same time, she enjoys a lavish life while I look on. SO kudos to her for as she stated "making a brand for herself." and for being a single mother for YEARS. Go Lisa.

    I respect her being from the hood and staying true to who she is. I personally would like to see her transform. actually take and acting or modeling class or at least look like she did. Natural beauty, but not polished. She cannot work a camera for shit from what I have seen.

    I am glad that she is away from an unsavory situation in her dissolving marriage.

    As for the Khia thing. I admire Khia for saying "That's my opinion and people like it. That's my opinion." That was real and straight up. She held her own there and at the end of the day, yes it is all her opinion. She did not say she was proclaiming her words and views as the gospel. She did say that she knows Lisa and that is the hole that sinks Khia's ship. tsk tsk tsk.

    I wish Lisa well.

    Lisa, hit me up and let me give you some media coaching aka polish!
