Tuesday, April 20, 2010

HAILING A TRAILBLAZER: R.I.P Godmother of Civil Rights Dorothy Height -- You Are Celebrated! (VIDEO)

Dorothy Height, hailed the Godmother (or Queen) of Civil Rights died today of natural causes at the age of 98. To say she lived a full life is an understatement. She was a longtime President of the National Council of Negro Women and was the leading lady behind Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Civil Rights Movement.

It's women like Dorothy Height who make it possible for many of us to have the freedoms we have today, and we salute her with every fiber in our body. We've posted video as a tribute to her contributions and accomplishments. Watch and learn from this true TrailBLAZEr. Thank You, Dorothy Height! May you Rest In Peace. You deserve it.

Sidebar: It saddens us that we are mourning two Trailblazers in one day. But at least Dorothy Height lived a full life, unlike Guru of Gang Starr who was only 43 years old. If you missed our tribute to G.U.R.U., scroll down the site a few stories. We posted his video for the song MASS APPEAL. It's one of our faves from GURU and DJ Premiere (the other half of Gang Starr). Thanks for hanging.

Dorothy Height vid clip via YouTube

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