Life is good but times are hard, so when we find a way to cut corners without compromising, we go for it! Which leads us to our Recession Lesson of the week: 7-Eleven coffee bar beats Starbucks everyday of he week when it comes to hot java. Seriously! You fix your coffee to your liking, and pay half the cost of Starbucks and everyother designer coffee house. Screw that!
We were up all night reading, researching, writing...basically engrossed in our creative processes when a 3am distress call came from a good friend. After drawing straws, I (the loser) put my cape on and flew to the rescue (a 30 minute drive across town) but halfway there realized my inner-fuel was low. Mind you, 3am in the streets of Los Angeles is like starring in a 1 man show on Broadway with no audience. It's that desolate!
Anyhoo, of course NOTHING was open and suddenly I'm starting to get verrry sleeeepy. I thought I was going to have to pull over for a little nappy-poo, which would have caused me to totally burn my friend, but low and behold I spot that big beautful Red 7 with the green Eleven across the middle. Yes! 7-Eleven to the rescue!
Without hesitation I beelined over, headed straight to the coffee bar, poured, mixed and stirred to my liking, and after dropping down $1.49(!) (and taking a few desparate sips) I continued on my mission. Ok, that was at 3:00am and I'm STILL up, 6 hours later! All I have to say is that 7-Eleven coffee saved me AND my friend...and for only $1.49! Did I mention that?
Oh yea-- Thank You @7ElevenSoCal for the Retweet this morning. You could have sent a coupon, or something like it but Retweets will do!
Pic via BlazeAdams247's Blackberry Bold 9700 (Hey, you never know, maybe Blackberry will chip in on a bill!)
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