Friday, July 9, 2010


 Soo, the very elite agency, William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, has dropped Mel like a hot potato. His personal agent, Ed Limato, died on July 3rd and it is said their relationship was the only thing keeping Mel aboard.  Limato represented Mel for 32 years and is said to have been like a father to him.

The agency's partner, Ari Emanuel (rumored to be personified by Entourage's Ari Gold) was hostile towards Mel after the first incident involving Malibu police and anti-semantic statements. Feelings, insiders say have never changed. And, that seems to be obvious after this news. But Mel isn't worried. His rep says it was his plan all "do without an agent after Limato's death".

Hopefully, he has a real plan 'cause studio executives are stating in the media that Mel is considered untouchable in the industry after his most recent domestic and racially charged incidents. Lucky for him, he's said to have projects lined up for the next two years. It will be interesting to see how far this train-wreck travels. [THR]


  1. If Jodie Foster has any type of brain, she will drop the project she is scheduled to do with him. Hmmmm i wonder what names he refers to when annoyed with Jodie behind her back- Think about it- Doesn't like anyone that is different than him... so Jodie falls in that slot-

  2. Mel Gibson..damn man things are looking bad..I think you should have a flashback of what woman really want!!! You're F@#$%^& up MADMAX

  3. I despise the Hollywood holier than thou mentality.
    Unless Mel Gibson is convicted of a criminal offense
    and does jail time as a result of the investigations associated with these tapes, why should his professional activities be interrupted? These are personal matters. It is understandable if someone is uncomfortable with his actions and declines to do business with him, but for the so called powerrs that be in Hollyood to established an industry wide shunning protocal is the heighth of hypocrisy. There is no more slimy bunch than the Hollywood suits whose greed has done far more to corrupt creative pursuits than the actions and tirades of Mel Gibson. As repulsive as the tapes are, assuming Mel Gibson does not bring such behaviour into his professional dealings, and his creative aspirations do not reflect the bigotry and negativity he seemingly spouts in his uncontrolled,perhaps drunken state on these tapes -
    I would sooner want to be associated with the output of his artistry than to be a part of the largely counterproductive minglings of the Hollywood suits.

  4. Lol @ Allen

    @ Anonymous #1 & #2 Well said on all points. Though you're at different ends of the spectrum, both comments are extremely valid!

  5. I think at this time Mel can do great creatively even without an agent. He has a successful track record. When he produced "The Passion Of The Christ" all the major studios passed on the project but then look what happened, one of the highest grossing movie of all times.
