Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Velma Hart says she is disappointed in Obama's leadership and asked if "this is her new reality". We are curious about why people expect that the mess that Obama inherited is able to be turned around within a two year period when it took eight years to create. Joy Behar on the view stated that the woman "is a plant" after watching the clip on the show's Hot Topic segment. Of course, Elizabeth spewed her disgust and agreed with Ms. Velma Hart. We feel like Joy could be right. For the right price, people will do and say anything. For the record, Ms. Hart stated in a TV interview that she is still a supporter and is supporting him all the way. She said she appreciates his accomplishments, and his candor when responding to her questions. This information wasn't evident in the news reports which picked up the story, so we had to put that out there. Watch below.



  1. This woman, whether a plant or not, needs to put on her big girl panies and grow up- He has done more in the 2years with the entire republican guard putting up barriers and lies every step of the way- stop the whinning Velma and work to make change that you want- nothing is handed to us- but at least Obama is doing things- Bush would pat you on the head and say that a good girl now just go and take care of your family and leave the thinking to us gents!

  2. A plant??? This was an INVITATION ONLY meeting, not a real whosoever will meeting. If Obama planted this women in his audience, he is either incredibly clever or , more likely, dumber than Bush. If Obama was merely the run-of-the-mill white liberal politician that really is, this story would not have gone viral and this woman would not be savaged, as she surely will, as a "plant," or "uncle tom," or "sellout." If any of us dares to come off the white liberal plantation massa white liberal will summon one of his slave catchers, or one of his House niggas to beat us down.
    Big girl panties ? How do you know what kind of panties she has on, unless you are a %^$#@&**&^% ?$ or worse ? YOU need to grow up and come out the liberal fantasyland you live in.

  3. I thank you for the passion, but i think you may be attacting on another subject than what has Obama done.....
    As to the plant question:
    many people set up the invites- people have misrepressented themselves all of the time- But let's say she was just who she is - passionate about how she feels, frustrated with the way things are....Where was she when the tides were turned against the middle class during the Bush years- Bush one and Two? where was she when Bush caused the deficit to this level after receiving our country in the surplus... Where was she when the banks and credit cards did what ever they wanted with interest rates and the healthcare companies said- nope- you dont get any coverage because you used your policy and now we have to take care of you- Was she as vocal then?

    But the good news is that the President has done things to change all of those things during these short 2 years... and he has wanted congress to do more- His "not getting it done" has not been him- he can only guide and push- but it is the cooporation of the congress and senate that needs to work- as you well know- and you have witnessed the sad story of that at the expense of our country- and MS. Velma Hart. Her frustration is legit- But where is the frustration at the people who have held up all the programs, appointments and bills that would help the people- that is where the frustration should addressed in my mind-

    Your comments and passion, however, have another level of frustration... In my comments there was no discussion of race or desire to be about that- I do not care what race or religion anyone is - and i am not saying that Ms. Hart needed to stop being frustrated with the president because of some dynamic that involves that part of the discussion-

    I was frustrated with the situation of people just not seeing the big picture of what the real deal is- Things were bad when he got into office- we the people- Him included were lied to as to how really bad it was- Yes it is his job - he took it and he is now the guy in charge- But people need to step up and work for the common good of all of us-
    My liberal fantasyland was such that we all were raised to be successful- Do well Do the best we could in our lives for our families... but also if possible - not forget our fellow man- as an equal- just if you needed a hand to help get out of a car- give it- if you need a quarter to feed the meter- give it- I would want that as well- If you have an ability to fix a problem with a co worker- and it could be the best outcome for the situation- offer it-
    What is fantasy about that- That is just human to human kindness- and has been lost in this life of get what you can get no matter what and not care about the impact-

    So while I am going to put my own big girl panties on and address my situation- I hope that my response has helped you understand where my comments were coming from- not fantasyland - but this very difficult place our country is in -with no thanks to the republican concepts of how a Company should have equal rights as a person-
