Thursday, September 2, 2010


Ughhh. Why she gets away with this behavior is a complete mystery. She is absolutely OUT-OF-LINE. Makes for good TV though, right? Part 2 of the reunion show airs next Monday night. Stay tuned... [Source]


  1. This is a tale of where we are as a society- We are allowing and feeding of behavior that if our children or others close to us did- we would be embarassed, repulsed and give them no excuses. Parents would sit their kids down and talk with them about appropriate actions and how with every action their is a consiquense for that action- Adults would be sent to anger management classes directed by the courts- and no one would be rewarded- shame would be the currency- But now- things are different- Bad behavior is rewarded with our lust for the details, we want to know everything and the media fuels the desire- We are upside down in the values of who to watch and what to aspire to- I am just as bad as i watch this Sh*t just like a traffic accident- sad to see it- but hard to turn away.....

  2. Anonymous you just said it all. Put a stamp on it and mail it Priority! Teresa is a straight REJECT. She's a horrible example for her kids and every young lady out there watching. Hopefully she doesn't come back to the show. Or better yet, they cancel the whole franchise. It's disgusting.

  3. Thank you for the amen...None of these women are really "role models" even the more controlled Caroline- She has a whole bunch of "stuff" in her closet and sits there like the she has been above all of the in fighting.... she has had her hand in it too- so all need to take a time out and make sure that their kids are taken care of and dont throw anymore stones at each other cuz all of their glass houses will come shattering down around them....
