Sunday, October 17, 2010


What in the heeby-jeeby is goin' on here?? Don't they have people who monitor safety for these coal mine death traps? Looks like a perfect opportunity to create some new jobs. It's crazy that just after the 33 Chilean miners were rescued after being buried alive for 70 days, another mine explosion would happen in China? According to reports, "Saturday's blast at the Pingyu Coal & Electric Co. Ltd. mine occurred as workers were drilling a hole to release pressure from a gas buildup to decrease the risk of explosions, the state work safety administration said." As of yesterday, he death toll was at 26, and at least 11 were still trapped. They won't have real numbers for a few days because of the amount of still falling rocks and rubble, and the 2500 tons of coal dust that was unleashed as a result of the explosion. There is controversy over whether or not "China cares as much as Chile", as some critics compare the recent Chilean miners rescue to one in China two years ago where 26 miners were killed. Reports state that rescue efforts were minimal as was press coverage. Clean energy would be a grand solution to this coal mining problem. China, for example, relies on coal still for two thirds of their energy needs. We realize not all of these mines are legal and safety regulation is a difficult task but somebody needs to do something! Heads need to be rollin'! In the meantime, we don't recommend taking a coal mining job any time soon. Even with the economy as bad as it is, it's just not worth it. Source

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