Thursday, November 4, 2010


We have been aware for quite sometime that the little planes in the air that dispense puffy white clouds are not "sky writing" as it were when we were little kids. Then, there were messages like, "I love you Sally, will you marry me?", or "Happy Birthday, Larry", for example, which would be written in the sky only to disappear into thin air within a matter of minutes, or even seconds. But that is a different type of trail, called a contrail. A contrail consists of moist air from a jet engine which produces a short-lived trail of white cloud-like smoke. But BE AWARE that when the clouds from these small planes stay visible in the air for more than a few minutes, it's more than likely a chemical trail. Sometimes these planes spray in form of grids, or as of most recently they've been in the form of large X's, over neighborhoods all over the globe. Some call it biochemical warfare, others call it conspiracy theory, but you don't have to dig too deep to find the facts. Just last week, it was announced that the UN has agreed to ban chem-trails. Now, how can something be banned that doesn't exist? Just like, if aliens and UFO's don't exist, why is there a Department of Outer Space Affairs within the United Nations? Why is there a such thing called Space Law? Why, why, why?

There are MANY "whys" that one can ask in these cases. It's up to you to discover the truths for yourself, if you can handle it. Some would rather NOT know, and we get that. We are just not THOSE people. You will not see this information on your local news. When these chemicals land, they affect our soil and our waters. And, let us not leave out our personal health, as this is the air we breathe into our lungs every day, all day long. It is no secret that there is a depopulation agenda being orchestrated through various government agencies, which has been in effect now for many decades. Do your research! Watch the video below, for more info on chem-trails. BE SURE TO GIVE IT UNTIL AT LEAST THE 3.:45 MARK before the definitions and insights about chemical trails are discussed. There is much more where this came from but this is our most recent find, and it triggered this post. We don't have a solution but awareness is the first step. Keep your head to the skies and pay attention to the things that are going on while you are busy texting, Tweeting, and Facebooking. Email us for a lead on more resources. There are PLENTY!

Oh, and FYI, we realize that this entertainment ish is merely a distraction from such truths going on around us. How else would we have gotten your attention? ;)
