Saturday, March 14, 2009

Jen Aniston-- Single Again. Why is this a problem?

Honestly, I could care less that Jen Aniston and John Mayer are "splitzville again." She's too good for his ass anyway. I do want to say though, Damn, can the woman get a break?! It's bad enough to have your husband-- who happens to be one of the hottest men in the public eye-- stolen right from under you by Angelina Jolie (arguably nothing to squawk at in the looks dept) but now you have a stigma over you that you can't keep a man and you will be alone for the rest of your life? Why can't she just date like most unmarried people and people be okay with that? She's hot, rich and famous-- but now labeled "doomed to singledom". She has too much going for her to be put in this category. But I realize that the media can't let someone like her be "okay". Because she is a woman with seemingly no flaws-- besides the embarrassment of her man being seduced and stolen for all the world to witness comment on, and she has had a few failed flings/relationships (hmmm, not to mention her too thin lips, Laurel Hardy chin, and mediocre acting skills. Come'on, admit that all of her characters are a version of Rachel from Friends). Yea, they have to create a problem for her. But, why? Bloggers, leave the woman alone already. You go Jen! Play until your heart is content. When the right one finds himself in your heart, be happy that you also know what's on the other side of the fence and are no longer there. Am I making any sense here?

Blog Article in the trunk:

Picture #2 from

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