Thursday, March 19, 2009

VIDEO: Obama Does Leno!

Yes, President Obama was in Los Angeles and while he was here he did a face to face with Jay Leno! The first President ever to do a late night talk show. How cool is he? While in sunny L.A., he also spoke at 2 town hall forums and visited a plant where electric car batteries are manufactured. He actually cares about what we think and feel about his policies and agenda. I love the fact that we chose CHANGE! *sniffle* I'm still emotional. Watch the clip, while I bawl this out...


  1. I love our President. He was cool and composed as usual when answering serious questions...and the humor was great. You can tell he and Jay Leno genuinely like each other and Jay even said at the end of the interview that it was one of the best nights of his life.
