Friday, May 14, 2010

Eighty-Three Year Old Indian 'Holy Man' Says He's a Breathologist, Hasn't Had Food or Beverage Since the Age of Eight! (VIDEO)

Prahlad "Mataji" Jani says he's a Breathologist and has only survived by breathing air and an occasional drop of nectar in the scalp. He has just finished living under surveillance by a team of 30 doctors who were witness to this phenomenon. Neurologists says his survival is still a mystery but can change the game of humanity, especially if we end up living on other planets, such as Mars.

Pop the Trunk (Keep Reading!) for Video and more...

via YouTube
Doctors and experts are baffled by an Indian man who claims not to have eaten or drunk anything for 70 years - but is still in perfect health.

A team of scientists and doctors in Sterling Hospital, in the western Indian city of Ahmedabad, are studying the claims of Prahlad Jani, a local holy man, who is over 70 years old.

He claims to have been blessed by a goddess when he was 8-years-old, which has enabled him to survive without sustenance and that he derives energy through meditation.

Most people can live without food for several weeks, with the body drawing on its fat and protein stores. But the average human can survive for only three to four days without water.

Watch the video clip for more.

via The LIFE Files/YouTube courtesy of user AljazeeraEnglish


  1. Well where is that goddess now I can sure use some assistance 2 shake a few pounds...LOL

  2. HA! We're calling on her now... Will keep you posted!

  3. the Goddess has heard your request and suggests you remain on the line- your request is very important to her and will get to you in the order received. Please do not hang up as you are in the que. You have 1,000,000,986 people ahead of you and she appreciates your patience.
    Sat Nam

  4. Lol! @ Anonymous Thought I was reading the lyrics to Prince's "International Lover" for a minute there!
