Thursday, July 8, 2010


Good for Brandy... gettin' her upgrade/reinvention swag on. Wow. You wouldn't even know she has a child with that rail thin bod. You especially wouldn't think so if you watched she and Ray J's "Family Business" reality show on VH1. 

On the show, she interacted regularly with her parents and brother Ray J but never had her offspring on camera (which is actually a good thing) nor did she make any reference to her, let alone mention her name. We get that she wants the focus to be on her career, but we came up with her and we know the real, so why hide it? Didn't she learn from the fake marriage fiasco? It's as if child birth never happened. Like that car accident [she doesn't want to talk about]. Anyway, don't mind the irrelevant chatter. (Seems to go hand in hand with regurgitation and mind-fluffing.) She's truly one of our favorite female artists though. Seriously, her "Never Say Never" album was our ish. Much love, B. Pop the Trunk for more pics...



  1. Hello world, I'm back..okay Brandy..I was never really a fan of hers, but I'm feelin' her new look ~just like a man to say that huh~ and I hope her child does not look like the daddy!!!! I'm praying for ya Brandy

  2. Lol! Welcome back! Yes, child looks like dad. Nothing like mom. And, yea, just like a MAN! :-)

  3. What is that pose by the pool... and those shoes- ewww- I would love to have the legs but come on... what real people have bodies like that?
