Thursday, July 22, 2010


Though jobs are on the rise in Hollywood, another strike is rearing its ugly head-- this time with the Teamsters Hollywood Local 399 on behalf of the Hollywood transportation workers.  Negotiations for the Hollywood transportation workers contract began June 14th but the Teamsters have not been able to come to terms with the Hollywood studios, which is 'cause for concern considering the current contract expires August 1st. 

A strike-authorization vote is set for Sunday at 8am in Burbank during a general membership meeting, which if approved will give the Teamsters more leverage at the bargaining table. There has been talk of the transportation workers working under a contract extension if the their pact expires before a new one is in place but it is not set in stone. If the strike ultimately takes place, insiders say it will be ugly...not in terms of  length and financial impact, but in tone. Hopefully, all can be worked out in time and the strike will be avoided. The economy, in its current state, is such that L.A. will surely be devastated by the trail unemployed workers the strike will leave in its midst. [THR]


  1. Hollywood is always prepping for something...Let's prep to get these F|N fake ass reality stars out of the wood!!!!

  2. This is a big issue- People better figure this out because the Teamsters could do a country wide shut down in support of their hollywood brothers- this is something to pay attention to- as to reality "stars" please- those punks are just stupid.....

  3. LOL re the Reality Stars. They aren't doing anything but growing right now. It's a booming industry-- reality tv.

    Re the possible strike, the Writer's Strike almost single-handedly took out L.A. It was a horrible time and some are still recovering. I shudder to think of what another strike would bring.
