Wednesday, July 14, 2010


If you are asking "who is Mashonda?" here's the backstory: Mashonda was married to famed producer Swizz Beats when he was working with Alicia Keys and then subsequently began fucking dating her ... behind Mashonda's back. Mind you they have an infant at the time.

Swizz claims the two were separated at the time, but she has disputed that all along. Now they are divorced and he and Alicia have since become engaged and pregnant. It's clearly upgrading (lifestyle-wise at least) at it's finest, in Swizz's case but what's Alicia's excuse? Some say plain ol' love.

Regardless, Mashonda has had to deal with the heartbreak and embarrassment in public. She had a bad Twitter rant habit going on for a while but then she suddenly got quiet. Well, she's talking again now that the divorce is final and we have some of it here. Pop the Trunk to read more...
Via The YBF:

Vibe:  If you were generously invited, would you attend their wedding?
Mashonda:  No. Not out of malice, but because weddings are sacred. It's just not my place. The only reason I went to his birthday party was because he invited me and I did that for myself. I needed to see them together for it to transfer. And I was like ‘Wow, this is real.’ We were still totally married…We had a divorce that was nowhere near final, but I just needed to see them in action for it to be real to me, and it was definitely real. You have all these different types of steps that you have to set up for yourself until you get to that place where you are free. And I will tell you, after I got divorced maybe three weeks later I woke up and felt a weight removed. It was the first time I’d ever felt mentally free. And I sent him an email wishing him all the best in the world.
Vibe:  Did he reply back?
Mashonda:  He did. He said, "Wow, thanks. Thank you."
Vibe:  Does it hurt listening to her now? Were you an Alicia Keys fan?
Mashonda:  I believed her before.

Keep in mind that Alicia's songs are about being a superwoman, love, fidelity, etc. It seems her songs are somewhat lost in her own life. At least that was it looks like. In actuality,  we don't know a thing about what really transpired and honestly, it's none of our business. Yes, we said it. None of our business. Now shoo!


  1. It sounds like a Black verse of Brad and Angie Pitt..I mean Jolie..Y'all are divorced now, and I think he has moved on Mashonda.....

  2. This heffa needs to move on for real. And she has a man so what is her problem? As long as he is being a good father he should be able to do what he wants.

  3. I think the "WHOLE" affair while you're married...end up marrying the chick you have the affair with dealio...invariably comes back to bite you in the ass. BIG TIME. I wish the couple well and yourself a favor..."Wooooooooooosah" that nonsense right on down the road. They're SHAMEFUL.
