Friday, July 2, 2010


                                                                (Pic via TMZ)
Reportedly, Mel Gibson and his baby mama, Oksana Grigorieva, just had an ugly custody battle, and during the midst of it he was secretly recorded using some foul language while, um, expressing his frustration. There were many curse words and threats, so children cover your eyes. Pop the Trunk to read his vicious rant...

Via The Life Files:
You’re an embarrassment to me. You look like a fucking pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of n***ers, it will be your fault.
“How dare you act like such a bitch when I have been so fucking nice.”
“I am going to come and burn the fucking house down… but you will blow me first.”
“Look what you did to me… look what you are… look what every part of you is… fucking fake… fucking fake. You are the most synthetic person… who the fuck are you?”
MmmYea, did you catch the part about it being her fault if she gets "raped by a pack of ni**ers"? You're a real class act Mel.


  1. Well I guess we'll have to register him as a Lethal Weapon huh..where's Danny Glover???

  2. This is a man who built his own church.... this is a man who was raise by a Holicaust denier- this is a man who was caught drunk driving many times but cut loose-This amn who finally was caught drunk driving and reported saying slurs against Jews and now are we really surprised at the new slurs he is saying... really??? Using slurs against one group does not fall too far from using slurs against another- If there is an ease in mouthing those type of feelings and vemom against one group, it isn't so surprising to hear the woman bashing and racial slurss again... in fact is has been a ticking time bomb just waiting to happen.

  3. ok Mel Gibson u had me but ummmm speachless :-/

    on 2 the next one in my best "RAP" voice!!!

    He should of just left it at the pig in heat...she does look a little oink-ish...LOL..ok my bad...but damn Mr Gibson....SMDMFH
