Friday, July 2, 2010


Lebron James is a free agent and owners are drooling at the mouth for a chance to have him on their squad. Majority Nets owner, Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov (pic'd above), is no exception and has a crafty proposal on the table which appeals to Lebron's public wishes for billionaire-dom, according to a Yahoo Sports posted on Wednesday. The other piece to this puzzle, is that Lebron and Minority Nets owner Sean Carter aka Jay Z are best buds.  Waiiit, there's moreee! Pop the trunk!

Even more poignant, according to a Yahoo Sports article written back in February, Jay Z also has "unlimited access to Lebron's heart, mind and ambitions."

ViaYahoo Sports:
"The Nets will offer him the borough of Brooklyn and pledge to overtake the New York Knicks and Madison Square Garden. They’ll promise him a vision of turning the franchise into a global basketball destination. Two self-made global moguls, Prokhorov and minority owner Jay-Z, will come calling to convince James to join up and make it a threesome."
Should the Cavs be worried? Ya damn skippy! [Yahoo Sports]

See video below about how Lebron leaving the Cavs can hurt them financially...

[The Life Files]


  1. Doesn't really matter where he goes this up coming season, can't beat The Lake Show baby..WHAT

  2. Just so you'all know- if he and his other free agent pals decide to get together and make super team- the lakers need to watch out as well as the rest of the teams....- cuz it could happen-

  3. Yea, sure Anonymous. We'll count those chickens if and when they every hatch. In the meantime, it's Laker Nation Baybee!
