Friday, October 8, 2010


So, imagine being tapped on the shoulder while shopping to turn around and see Kanye West. And, why did he tap you on the shoulder? Because he :LIKES YOUR SHOES! Not only that, he exchanges info with you and soon offers you a job as a part of his creative team because he says your style inspires him. The problem is, you're a freshman at Yale but, no, it's not a problem after all 'cause you can surely take a semester off to work with KANYE WEST, right? Right! And, that's how it happened. Kanye and his 19-year old Yale drop-out stylist Cassius Clay have been a style item ever since. Will it last? That one's up for grabs. In the meantime, it's the stuff dreams are made of, isn't it. Sighhhhhh. That's Cassius below, and those are the shoes he was wearing when he got the tap on the shoulder from one of  the biggest rap stars in the world. Apparently, Kanye has a fixation with crests. Oh-- and on top of it all. The day after the meeting, Kanye set up a shoe deal with the makers of those shoes. His line is due out next spring. Don't you love it when everyone wins?
Go to the Source for the entire story, which includes interesting background on Cassius. Keep dreaming People!

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