Saturday, March 14, 2009

Rihanna, poor little pop princess

We all know the drama that has ensued with regards to RiRi and Chris Brown. This is everyday life for many young women/couples around the world. All cicumstances are different, despite the end result being just plain ol' fucked up. Rihanna is young and in love (from what I can tell from the outside looking in) and she should be able to let this play out without the constant public scrutiny. Maybe she likes a good ass whoopin every now and then. Maybe that's her thing. I can't call it but she needs to rise up and get out on her own accord. I will tell you this: If I could come back and do it all over again, I would be Rihanna with the Chris Brown beating and all. He would be dead right now but I would still be RiRi-- Pop Princess Extraordinaire! "It was self defense! Look at what he did to me!" LOl Seriously.

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