Thursday, January 20, 2011

Illuminati Conspiracists Speak on Khloe Kardashian's "One-Eye" Bondage Themed Pics for YRB Mag...

"Damn Khloe!" We'd hate to see what she does behind closed doors inside her and Lamar's Koo-Koo's nest. Well, actually we wouldn't mind being a fly on the wall inside their lair.  Oh, wait a minute. They're filming a reality show, duhhh! Looks like we'll get out wish. *Groucho Marx eyebrow raise* Pop the Trunk for the rest of her YRB spread. And, for the record, the whole one-eye photo thing makes us crazy. Somebody tell us: What does it meannnn??! We have our theories, as do our friends over at Vigilant Citizen, from where we snagged these pics. Check out what they have to say, in the trunk...

Via Vigilant Citizen:
Khloe Kardashian’s new “racy”  photo shoot for YRB contains themes regular readers will surely recognize. Khloe’s right eye is hidden in every single shot, hinting, through repetition, to the symbolic importance of this “stylistic choice”. As we have seen in previous articles, hiding one-eye represents a celebrity’s status of being owned and used by the Illuminati system. Furthermore, the entire “bondage” theme is always a preferred way to represent a celebrity’s “slave status”. Here are some of the shots.
 Underneath Khloe’s head in a bondage-type “mind-control” mask (above) is written “I now have the power”…clear example of cognitive dissonance where being portrayed as a slave equals power.
 Is it really worth it in the end, Khloe? O.O


  1. Yeh these photos are suspicious, especially the cover.

  2. Yep. The entire show is full of masonic triggers for project monarch.

  3. It seems to me the majority of celebrities are apart of this which is sad is fame worth burning in hell and sacrifices
