Sunday, March 22, 2009

Solange Knowles: More than Just Beyonce's Lil' Sis!

Solange gets a bad rap because she's alternative with her style and music but I say, "What's wrong with that?" As the younger Knowles sister she has to do something to stand out. It's not an easy feat when you have to compete with Sasha Fierce! We agree that Solange is doing a great job with holding her own. She's beautiful, talented, original-- and let's not forget she's a working-single-mom. I don't care how much help you have, motherhood is a fulltime gig when you own up to it and clearly she does(see Twitter posts @solangeknowles)! And, her little boy is adorable. Solange has Beyonce beat in the cute kid department...for now. Judging by the pics posted earlier for Bey's latest video, she may very well be having one of her own real soon.

Nah! Sasha Fierce ain't havin' that. She's not ready to leave the stage, and we all know it.

Btw, is that a banner for the once fabulous "Honey Magazine" behind Solange in pic #2? I hope so! It was awesome before "the man" got his hands on it. Hopefully, if it is debuting again, it will still have the same funky edge. We shall see.


  1. Reminds me of Ashley Simpson, trying so hard to dodge the Big Sister lens through which everyone was inevitably going to view her. Both Ashley and Solange are opting not to mirror their big blond bombshell sisters.

    I want everyone seeming deserving to have success and be self-actualized. The thing bring her up again...the Ashley Simpsons and Solange Knowleses of the world is that they experiment with looks and sounds, but never let the dust settle on one.

    I see Solange...mark my words...backing out of the spotlight, focusing on parenting, moving into more of an Admin or Community Service role.
