Wednesday, August 18, 2010


True Blood has been a favorite of ours since its beginnings, though last season it almost lost us with the MaryAnn shenanigans. It got crazy-- even for HBO. But this season...ahhh, this season is vampire, werewolf, shapeshifter, stupid-human heaven. Really, each episode invokes strong emotion (usually disgust and disbelief, but laughter, lust, and fear also come into play) as well as the need to re-watch. If those aren't signs of a hit, we don't know what is. The casting is superb too. Whoever's in charge of that needs a raise, ASAP! (Pop the Trunk for the video recap of last week's episode and show discussion. Please comment your 2 cents!)

So let's talk about True Blood:

Bill & Sookie - So the question remains, what is SHE? Obviously, she has something to do with "Light" and "Good" and she's sought after by the highest ranking vamps. Those who have read the book must know. Spill the beans! And, what's Bill's deal? Does he really love and care for Sookie, or is he after something? (Besides Sookie's cookies!) Lol! Well, we found out at the end of last week's episode that he now knows "what" she is. Will we really find out next week? Or, will they drag it on soap opera style, keeping us in stitches season after season? Again, Book Readers, give it up! :D

Tara - Will somebody please find her a "normal" dude-- stat?! Or, is it too late? Is she permanently damaged after the whole vampire rape/kidnapping/hostage/killing vampire situation? She was already wayyy F'd up before all of this (Thanks, Mom!), now how will she ever recover?

Lafayette - Who doesn't love this thugged out queen?! He is funny, and even charming sometimes. You can't not like him. Even you homophobes KNOW you love him. Admit it! And, what about his new lover? Is he legit, or does he have something up his sleeve? Hopefully, moms is safe in his care O_o. Lawd knows she can take care of herself though, righttt? Loved the scene after she got into Lala's make up last episode. That was brilliant!

Jason - Oh, Dear Jason. He's not the brightest bulb in the bunch, is he? Anyone with sense would know that this chick he's determined to "rescue" has major issues. And, after admitting that all she knows how to cook is meth, he should have taken that as a HUGE sign that he need not bother. We're a little confused about his cop-status. Has he been made official yet? 'Cause he sure is running around like he's the town Sheriff. He's another one we wish would find him a sane partner to settle down with. Or, low key, maybe he should realize he's not ready to settle down and just keep bangin' himself around town without a second thought like he used to. Something bad is definitely a'brewin!

Eric Northman - So, Eric is avenging the deaths of his family members. It's taken him 1000 years to get to this point in the vengeance process. He killed Russell's dear lover...(which sent him into a lunatic's rage) but now what? "The Authority" is turning their head to the whole matter of royal-killings, kidnappings and betrayals, yet giving Eric "permission" to finish the job alone-- but without resources. And, now that Russell has called out the entire human race on live-TV...un-doing all of the hard work of trying to get the Vampire Rights Amendment ratified, who will get to him first? Surely they won't leave this act unpunished. Maybe Eric will get the help he needed (The Authority's resources) now?

Sam - He finally grabbed his nut-sack and showed somebody's who's boss in that diner of his. When that meth chick's father came lookin' for her at Merlot's kickin' up dust, Sam went into a butt-whoopin' tyrade, nearly killing him. If that's possible-- 'cause we all know that "man" ain't human. ;) Sam's brother looked like a the cat that ate the canary after the fight, lovin' every minute of Sam's sudden testosterone fueled altercation. We know that act will bring nothing but a wrath on Sam... and his li'l bro for that matter. Can't wait for that action.

Arlene has a new man, Terry, and is pregnant with her third child. The problem is, she got pregnant during one of MaryAnn's spells and doesn't remember a thing. So, now her ex-dude, the now dead (and gone?) Renee is haunting her dreams, making her believe he may have somehow fathered the child. Because of this the fate of this child is in question. The new waitress (she's a weird one too, right??) is lending her ear and advice to Arlene ("Do you want me to go with you to the clinic?") after Arlene admits not wanting the pregnancy. Abortion, she says, is out of the question but new waitress says there are options, which make Arlene break down even more. Hmmm, this new weird-looking waitress is definitely on the radar. She's up to something.

Jessica and Hoyt are the cutest aren't they? Torn apart by her new vampire status. Had they met while she was human, they might have had a chance. That is, if her strict father would have allowed her out of his sight for long-enough. Now he has a new girl. And, we don't like her one bit. Funny, he admitted to Jessica that he doesn't either. She's merely a distraction from his feelings for her. Ahhh, isn't that what every ex wants to hear? As with most of the seemingly normal characters, we think something's up with Ms. Biscuit Baker too. We though she put some type of love drug in the food she brought to Hoyt (to which Jason happily helped himself) but guess not. She'll find out the truth soon enough. And, she doesn't seem like the type who will go away quietly. Jessica may have to wrap her up and eat her like a burrito when it's all said and done. That would be awesome!

Would love to know your thoughts. Please weigh in, in the comment section. Let's discuss!

[Pic Source]


  1. And now for the weather, Tiffany?

  2. Honey, Ure synopsis leaves nothin' much 2 say! I agree with everything u said, and i share ure LOVE with/4 Lafayette! Im scared of his new lover 4 him, but LaLa can take care of hisself! Sumpthin' 'bout Dude?!?! This season has been so twisted, i refuse 2 speculate WHERE they might go. Ive already been tricked. Aint the sex gotten FAR more expicit? TrueBlood rocks!

  3. :D Glad we're on the same page! Yes, Lala can def take care of himself. Don't want nothin to happen to him though. If Tara don't stop that dang lip quiverin' don't know what I'mma do! Lol! yes the sex is tooo much. Tooo much! Lol! Lookn forward to Sunday! Thanks for stoppin' by Luv. <3
