Sunday, March 29, 2009

Obama Requests that Rick Wagoner, CEO of GM, Resign...and He Did!

GM's CEO of 8 years, Rick Wagoner, asked to resign by President Obama, and he does just that. Obama most likely put his foot on Wagoner's post because Wagoner has been criticized for not doing enough to slash debt and cut costs, per his agreement with the government upon receiving federal financial assistance. Interestingly, Obama to announce next steps to help GM and Chrysler tomorrow. Not a good look for Wagoner...hopefully GM will benefit in the long-run!


  1. Don't mess with Obama...He is re-distributing the wealth which has to happen from time to time..The auto industry...juat like the music business has resisted a change in what they have been doing for so long...

  2. Awww...poor Rick Wagoner, right? NOT!!!

    Actually, I hate to see people unemployed regardless of their tax bracket. Ya know, the more ya make, the more ya spend and we tend to live in or above our means, so losing a job has got to have a resounding effect on one's life and its style. From a human and spiritual aspect, I pray he and his family rebound well.

    That being said, I pray for all those who's lives hang in the balance during this tumultuous time. It was a right call to demand he step down. He was at the steering wheel of the proverbial vehicle until it ran out of gas. It would be an abomination for him to remain in the position.

    I've never been laid off. Politely asked to leave the premises, yes, but never ever laid off.

    I just hope and of course, pray that we are not cutting off our nose to spite our face with this. It seems like there is a plan moving forward. Shit or get off the pot!

    As for the thousands of employees in the automotive industry, Let's send them our good energy and hope. I hope they have the wherewithal to disembark this sinking ship or at least make an exit plan. There are jobs on Craigslist everyday, so SOMEBODY is hiring.

  3. True that to both of you very insightful readers. We appreciate your support. Keep it comin'!
