Wednesday, October 20, 2010


For The Clueless: Anita Hill (far right) accused now Supreme Justice Clarence Thomas of sexual harrassment and nearly derailed his confirmation back in 1991. Now, his wife Virginia (middle) is calling now Professor Hill for an apology? Why, we aren't quite sure. When Prof. Hill received the voicemail message she sat on it a few days before calling the FBI. She said she initially thought it was a prank. Here's her recorded response: "I certainly thought the call was inappropriate. I have no intention of apologising because I testified truthfully about my experience and I stand by that testimony."And, we don't blame her. WTH! We can't imagine having to sit back as the wife of all of this debauchery, still putting up with the aftermath and HIM after all of these years, but damn, get counseling. Get it together, Virginia!

Go to the Source for the rest of this insanity.


  1. ok this is just to to much....What is the deal... is it Clarence can't take the fact that there is a Latino Woman, a Jewish Woman and still Ruth on the court... is his hostility to all of this seeping out at home and making his wife bat sh*t crazy... crazy enough to do a voice mail NOW 19 years later...
    And really... the wife's response to how inappropriate it was and to the FBI was "didn't mean to offend anyone... tee hee... just leaving a vm..

  2. WOW his wife has lost her mind.... "What?" is the only response I can think of smh!

  3. Agree AND Agree! Lol! Somethin just ain't right here and this may not be the end of the story. Clarence better be sleepin with one eye open! Lol!

  4. Clarence wife should apologize for marry his Monkey Ass, Bitchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  5. You have GOT to be kidding is the FIRST thing I thought of when I read the story. Boy...she is SO lucky she didn't get Tawanna's ass on the phone cause she would have been a SACK of bishes, I'm sure.
    This poor woman needs a wake up call. First of all Clarence Thomas was guilty of sexual harassment in the FIRST DEGREE in my opinion.
    I just didn't find Ms.Hill's testimony unbelievable. I don't feel she had a reason to go before a Congressional panel and make up all that. I don't.
    Second Justice Thomas's testimony was FAKE. If you listened to everything he had to say I don't think you could come to any other conclusion about what transpired, and he was GUILTY. I'll go to my grave believing that too. He PROBABLY called out Anita Hill's name at the WRONG moment. LOL!!!

  6. Great points daMonstah! Something is going on in that household that triggered that call to Anita. Professor Anita Hill, excuse me :) They better leave the woman alone after all these years she might have a cold plan cooked up for both of em.
