Saturday, November 27, 2010


Yep! Good ol' "N-word" slangin' Dr. Laura has a new show on Sirius XM Satellite Radio. If you don't recall her highly publicized rant, Pop the Trunk for a reminder. Though, any radio personality who uses the "N-word" 11 times in 5 minutes when speaking to an African American female caller seeking advice about how to deal with her racist neighbor is hard to forget, isn't it?

*UPDATE* The AP has reportedly published the story prematurely, and have since retracted it. We'll be keeping out ears to the ground for the "official" announcement. We're sure it's coming... (10, 9, 8..) Keep in mind, her "traditional" radio program officially ends December 31st of this year.

She says she turned to satellite radio to regain her first amendment rights. Seems she was pressured to resign after backlash from the controversy earlier this year. We were never fans and certainly won't start now. Surely her base audience is happy about the news though. You know, those folks who like TEA.

Here's a snippet from Howard Stern's show after the controversy hit the fan. It includes a clip of Dr. Laura's broadcast:

Howard Stern, part 2:

In case you'd rather not here Howard's input (how could you not?!), here's a clip of the original broadcast...

And, the continued exchange, which followed...
CALLER: Is it OK to say that word? Is it ever OK to say that word?
DR. LAURA: It depends how it's said. Black guys talking to each other seem to think it's ok.
CALLER: But you're not black, they're not black, my husband is white.
DR. LAURA: Oh, I see, so a word is restricted to race. Got it. Can't do much about that.
CALLER: I can't believe someone like you is on the radio spewing out the n***** word, and I hope everybody heard it.
DR. LAURA: I didn't spew out the n***** word!
CALLER: You said "n*****, n*****, n*****" and I hope everybody heard it.
DR. LAURA: Yes they did, and I'll say it again: n*****, n*****, n***** is what you hear on HBO.
DR. LAURA: Why don't you let me finish a sentence? Don't take things out of context. Don't NAACP me, leave them in context.

Finally, her apology given the following day of the controversy...

Dr, Laura's new show is set to air January 3rd. (Ugh!)



  1. The fact of the matter is this. Dr. Laura is a moral conservative along the lines of a Sarah Palin. The Liberal Establishment hates conservative talk of any kind. Don't believe me? Look up how many laws/investigations etc are in the mix right now to begin the process of restricting talk radio in general under the auspices of "The Fairness Doctrine".
    The fact is Dr. Laura was taken out of context just as she said. She could very well could have won her case in a court of law simply because she asked the age old question "Is speech restricted" ? I have the same question. If that is the case, then I never want to hear another person say anything critical about Texans unless your a bonafide Texan! No, she was railroaded by uberliberal radicals. The same old thing, no different than that of the Black Panthers having their open/shut case in Philly. Your Black so the Black AG will not prosecute you for felony voter intimindation. You were persecuted 100 years ago, so all is well....Im sick of it! Ken

  2. OK Ken, Here is the deal with Laura.... she is full of it- She is a Physical Education Doctor- Not a therapist and has putting out that sham for years... She has had her bite of the liberal life .. taking advantage of the freedoms Liberals have provided... namely abortion as a decision she was able to make freely, was then a working mother- a freedom to do made available by progress and then she decides that after she has had the opportunity to exercise these freedoms...she is going to make her name as instructing women they should not work- stay at home because " that is the only way to do it" and any personal choice is not right- only how she is dictating to her listeners- She has berated them for affairs... by the way she had some... and it is totally do as I say not how I have had the personal freedom to do- Very Moral, hmmmm
    Then with this last situation that was totally inappropriate but all so revealing as to her deep distain. She has been a bully for years to her listeners and she finally revealed her true dislike for them all.

    As to the fairness doctrine, Ken... That was the way the FCC had it from the beginning -One side was given an amount of time- then the other had their amount of time- FAIR... When Reagan was running for office... they could not show his movies because the time allotted for them would have to be given to the opposing side- So when Reagan came into office... some how the fairness doctrine at some point went out the window- Now there is no fairness period- just 24 hours of crap on channels that spout stuff and say it is facts and news worthy

    You have had the treat of listening and learning from a media that cries Liberal Media and left wing but is deluded by the 24 hour drip of poison from Roger Alies. Glen Beck, Bill O'Reilly to name a few.
