Monday, November 1, 2010


Via the National Congress of State Legislature's website, September's unemployment #'s are not as bad for some as for others... but still less than desirable all around. We're in California, which is at 12.4%. Wowzers! And, though it's hella high, it has gone virtually unchanged from September of last year at 12.1%, and 12.3% in August 2010.

Message to the unemployed: Don't give up. Also, there's no time like the present to exercise those creative chops when you're in between paying gigs. You never know how one may turn out. ;) Check out what the (most recent) stats look like in your state by clicking this link. If it doesn't affect you directly, it does indirectly (or will!) slowly moving it's way in, so pay please attention. For example, we just read a story on which basically says that law "army guards are to guard unemployment offices in Indiana" due to the upcoming round of final checks to be issued to the "99'ers" in state of Maryland. That could be a bad situation for someone living and working in Indiana who is not directly affected by unemployment, right?

Via SR:
"Lotter said the agency is merely being cautious due to the approach of an early-December deadline when thousands of Indiana residents could see their unemployment benefits end after exhausting the maximum 99 weeks provided through multiple federal extension periods."

We did our research and dug up this video. It clarifies that armed security guards will patrol this employment agency, which is monitored by Employment Development. For The Clueless: 99'ers is a term for those collecting unemployment checks who have reached their 99th and Final week of eligibility. As of this time, 99 weeks is the maximum length of time an unemployed worker can collect benefits and no change is foreseeable via recorded statement from Employment Development Department. 99 weeks is just whort of 2 years and the first wave of unemployed who have exhausted their benefits are now at the front lines. Be aware that it is noted on EDD's website that under the NEW legislation, the deadline is November 30th for starting any next tier of unemployment benefits extensions available. Right around the co' ner, Ya'll... not to mention just before the holidays :(

REMEMBER TO VOTE ON NOVEMBER 2ND! (Eeeeks, tomorrow! Must post something!) Keep in mind, Republicans have no sympathy when it comes to cutting funding for social, education, and welfare programs. None.



1 comment:

  1. Awesome post Blaze. That's true too about the 99 weeks being the END. I'm praying I can turn my personal situation around tomorrow. Got an interview and a good chance at being hired too in my own field of endeavor. My heart goes out to those unemployed that want to work. It's hard out here...but remain faithful loved ones...God is watching. I wish everyone blessings.
