Wednesday, December 22, 2010

SPOTTED: Sean Puff Daddy P Diddy Combs & Kim Porter Canoodling in the Carribean...(Oops! Close Your Eyes, Cassie!)

Diddy and Baby Momma #2, Kim Porter, are on a get-away while Diddy's Last Train to Paris rides on. They brought 4-year old twins, D'Lila Star and Jessie James who celebrated their birthdays yesterday, and their 12-year old son, Christian. What? No Cassie? As always, we're all kinds of confused about Diddy and his female relationships, but if they don't mind the back-and-forth, why should we? #CarryOn


1 comment:

  1. HELLO: WOW, the power of ~MONEY~ must be a real bitch huh.....
