Is it just us? Or, doesn't everyone agree that this is just straight ridiculous? We shrugged off this story when we first saw @snoopdogg's tweets days ago but the ish keeps finding us, so here we are. Okay, so, Snoop's been heavily promoting his new song, "Wet", supposedly made for Prince William's upcoming bachelor party. When we first heard about it we were like,"Huh?" And, still today we're like, "Whaa?".
Okay, let us rewind. Unless you've been on top of Mount Kilimanjaro for the past month, surely you know that he and long-time girlfriend Kate Middleton are to be married next April. Well, apparently, Snoop has appointed himself as the Prince's bachelor party entertainment, crowning himself "King Douche" in the process. Do Royal Prince's even have "bachelor parties?" Snoop can't be serious with this, or can he? Nah. This is just as laughable as Nicki Minaj sayin' she would get with Prince Harry and help him step up his swag. Ha! We know some of ya'll are like, "Eff the Royals!", but we're just not ready for it. Nor, is Queen E. Anyhoo, we were just getting used to Snoops new "dedicated family man" shtick. Now this?? Hmpf! Read the details...

Via UPI:
"Snoop Dogg, who was rumored by The Mirror to be a possible performer at the bachelor party, said on Twitter his song, "Wet," from forthcoming album "Doggumentary Music," is "tha anthem 4 Prince William's bachelor party n all bachelor parties round tha wrld."
Snoop directed the message to (at)clarencehouse, the Twitter account of Windsor House, the official residence of Prince Charles and sons William and Prince Harry.
"This song is tha one for Prince William's stag do," the rapper posted.
Representatives for Snoop Dogg said he has not yet been officially approached about performing at the party prior to William's wedding to Kate Middleton but the performer is "very interested."
C'Mon Snoop! Don't go out like a sucka!
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snoop is on some strait bull!