Word is, wretched Camille Grammer of RHOBH has hired famed attorney, Larry Stein, to get her out of her Bravo contract. Supposedly, the deed is done and this will be her last season. UNLESS, she can use this move to manipulate Bravo into being "nicer" to her in the editing room. That's the other side of it. Some say it's all a game to Camille. She loves being on the show but claims that her character was assassinated in the editing room. Yup, she blames that horrid behavior on editing. Surprised? For us, her scenes are uncomfortable to watch, however, this is the best time to film her with all that's going on with soon-to-be-ex-husband, Kelsey, and his new fiancee. Now, THAT drama would make for interesting fodder! We're interesting in seeing how this plays out. No doubt, this isn't the last we'll hear of Camille.
Check out tonight's preview below. Yeah, that's Camille kissing other women's husbands on the lips...in front of their wives. Smh.
Well another Bitch gone..now live off that Grammer money and be HAPPY....